You thought you remembered to buy chips. But then again, perhaps you didn't. Hmmm, maybe your friends can pick some up on their way over. Just five or six bags should do! One thing's for sure: Parties are chill when you're in charge. In fact, it's this laid-back-all-invited-family-feel that makes you such a party legend!
People know they've got to fend for themselves when they're heading to your house — on the plus side, they can wear whatever they want and they're free to raid the pantry for soda or peanut butter and Fluff (especially if that's all you've got).
You're not uptight about the details so folks feel free to make your casa their casa. Your number one goal is to get the gang together and you do that in spades. Who doesn't want to hang out at your home when the general rule is that there are no rules? Of course, you might have to put your foot down when it comes to stains, slam-dancing, or teasing the dog with the last scraps from the food tray. But beyond that, anything goes. And will.
At the end of your affair, guests probably feel well-fed, welcome, and at ease. And if they won't leave before you promise to invite them back, well, all the better.
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